September 16, 2024

According to the World Health Organisation, the most common cause of hepatitis worldwide is Hepatitis viruses. There are 5 main types of hepatitis – types A, B, C, D, and E. Out of these, hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the most severe type and is transmitted through exposure to infected blood, semen, and other body fluids.  Hepatitis B is an infection that inflames the liver. A person infected with this virus may show mild or no symptoms. Therefore, anyone can be at risk of acquiring this virus without knowing.  You will be surprised to know that one of the significant side effects of hepatitis on male fertility is that it affects sperm quality and increases its chromosomal instability. Studies reveal that both hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses (HBV and HCV) are associated with poor sperm quality.

Curious to know more about how hepatitis and male fertility are related? Let‘s get into the deets. 

Relation Between Hepatitis And Male Fertility

The effects of hepatitis on male fertility are very evident. Several studies reveal that DNA fragments of the hepatitis B virus may pass into sperm. This virus is usually found in semen, most likely sexually transmitted, and can lead to male infertility. It damages sperm and affects its parameters and motility.

The main component of HBV is the virus’s protein. According to studies, this virus’s protein is responsible for lowering sperm motility and reducing the sperm fertilisation rate. It bombards the cell membrane in sperm, damaging them and destroying their normal function.

Symptoms of Hepatitis 

Some people suffering from hepatitis have no signs of symptoms and are clueless that they are infected. While some might experience the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Tiredness or feeling weak
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea/ vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dark urine
  • Clay-coloured bowel movements
  • Joint pain
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

Effect of Hepatitis On Male Fertility

HBV infection is a rising concern that can affect more than 400 million people worldwide. Studies reveal that approximately one million people die from HBV-related liver diseases each year. An interesting fact to note here is that people affected with liver diseases and cirrhosis are associated with viral hepatitis. 

Liver disease can have various causes such as hepatitis, an autoimmune disorder, or excessive alcohol consumption. When men experience liver disease or disorders, their liver’s capacity to process estrogens diminishes. If the body cannot metabolise estrogen effectively, its levels will naturally rise. Increased estrogen levels lead to negative consequences, causing a decrease in testosterone levels. This in turn impacts male fertility as men with low testosterone levels are unable to produce enough sperm. 

But don’t worry! There is a solution to every problem! We have compiled a list of how to prevent hepatitis from spreading. Let’s discuss them. 

How To Prevent the Spread Of Hepatitis 

There are many ways to avoid or reduce the chances of contracting hepatitis virus. They are as follows:

1. Vaccination Is The Key: 

Make sure you receive vaccinations for hepatitis B and hepatitis C, as studies have proven that they both are associated with poor sperm quality.

2. Practise Good Hygiene: 

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, to avoid acquiring any infection.

3. Always Look For Clean Food and Water: 

It is important to consume clean, properly cooked food, and drink safe water.

4. Practise Safe Sex: 

During sexual intercourse, it is important to use barrier methods like condoms and prevent the transmission or spread of any infections.

5. Avoid Needle Sharing: 

Refrain from sharing needles or drug paraphernalia (any equipment that is used to make, hide, or use illegal drugs.).

In Conclusion

The effect of hepatitis on male fertility is a serious concern. Use the precautionary measures mentioned above and most importantly, take a semen analysis test to gain insights into your sperm health.

Take charge of your fertility journey with LifeCell’s semen count test – SpermScore, a convenient, at-home, self-collection test & gain insights into your sperm health from the comfort and privacy of your home. It helps analyse 10 sperm health parameters & 14 sperm health conditions including sperm motility, morphology, semen volume etc. 

So, what’re you waiting for? Order your LifeCell’s SpermScore Test Kit and gain insights into your sperm health! You can also explore options like sperm banking and become a dad when you are ready! Want to learn more, visit: or call us at 1800 266 5533.


  1. Can A Male With Hepatitis Have Children?

Yes, a male with hepatitis infection may have children. There are effective vaccines to prevent transmitting hepatitis B infection to loved ones.

  1. How Does Hepatitis B Affect Men?

The Hepatitis B virus can result in various life-threatening health problems like liver failure, liver damage, cancer, and in some cases, death.

  1. Is It Safe To Get Vaccinated For Hepatitis B?

Yes, the hepatitis B vaccination is safe. If you have any serious allergic reaction to a prior dose of hepatitis, then consult your doctor.

  1. Can Hepatitis B Infection Be Prevented?

Yes, getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent hepatitis B. It is safe and effective. Get all the doses to be fully protected.

  1. Is It Possible To Pass On Hepatitis B To Newborns?      

Transmission does not occur during pregnancy, although it can be transferred from mother to child during birth. Only blood exposure at delivery can result in mother-to-child transmission.

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